About Us
Our Identity
The MWC is a network of nearly 100 Covenant churches in Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska. While ethnically, geographically, and culturally diverse, these churches are united around the Lordship of Jesus and participation in his kingdom work. Together we seek to love God, love others as ourselves (Matthew 22:36f) and join God in the work of making disciples (Matthew 28:18-20). We pursue God’s call to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with him (Micah 6.8).
We recognize that the good news of Jesus seeks to reconcile both people and systems that have been damaged by sin. Through the cross of Jesus we are invited into a new, reconciled relationship with God and each other. This reconciliation involves breaking down racial, economic, gender, and social barriers: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” Galatians 3:28.
The Kingdom that Jesus announced embraces values which continue to raise eyebrows today:
Calling us away from “religion” and into a transforming relationship with God;
Affirming the Image of God in all people (the unborn, refugees, the marginalized, the incarcerated, even those with whom we may profoundly disagree);
Inviting us into the ongoing work of racial reconciliation as we seek to become one people, united in Him (John 17:11, 23);
Instructing us to care for the needs of others, recognizing that we are His hands and feet in the world (Matt. 25);
Seeking to restore the fractured relationship between genders by inviting us back to God’s original design for women and men. (Genesis 1:26-31)
Our Mission
Churches working together to transform lives and communities by starting new churches, strengthening existing churches, and developing missional leaders.
The family of churches that make up the MWC collaborate to do things together that would be difficult to do alone, including planting new churches, resourcing existing churches to be strong in mission, and creating pathways and opportunities for identifying, equipping, and strengthening leaders for the church today and tomorrow. These mission priorities are lived out in multiple ways. The following demonstrate a few expressions of what we value:
Starting 2-4 new churches each year (MWC CP)
Identifying Called and Gifted women
Pastoral and Leadership Cohorts
Help with churches in transition (pastoral changes, crises, consulting)
The Midwest Conference team is led by a Superintendent who reports to the MWC Executive Board. This board is elected by representatives from MWC member churches at an annual gathering.